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Frequently asked questions

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What are the first steps?

The first step is to organize a meeting where the needs of the client are defined or the SOW of the product is defined. On that occasion, all the company's services that can contribute to its development or quality improvement are presented "on the table". After obtaining all the necessary information, we work on estimating the time and resources necessary for the implementation as well as on the formation of the offer. After accepting the offer, the first step is to make a prototype that is used to more precisely define further development steps.

How do you determine the price and deadline?

The cost of production is defined on the basis of the scope of work (SOW) and the number of resources, ie people who will work on it. The difficulty of the task is also taken into account in order to determine the level of expertise necessary to do the job. When it is determined which resources will work on the project and for how long, then, based on existing projects, the possible start of work on the same is defined. When we know the beginning and the time necessary to make it, we also know the deadline for completion.

Is hosting and domain included in the price?

The price of hosting and domain can be included and does not have to, depending on the wishes of the client. This usually involves maintenance. While domain purchase prices are clear, hosting is a bigger “philosophy”. Depending on the complexity of the system and the requirements of the client, we give a proposal of the server to be used, installation and maintenance can be done by us where they would be included in the offer while another vendor can work if the client has the same.

What technologies do you use most often?

The technologies we use to build vary from project to project. We most often use Java Spring or Python Django for “larger” enterprise solutions while for “smaller” solutions and CMSs we use Php Laravel. As for frontend technologies, native JavaScript, React and Angular are used. Mobile applications are developed in native technologies, ie Java Kotlin and Swift. The database can be both MySQL and PosgreSQL. The Deploy project is being done on Apache / Tomcat / Nginx while Docker is being used more and more.

What is your role in developing startups?

We have experience in developing multiple startups from the beginning to the first stages of funding. We also participate as a development partner, as a consultant and sometimes as an investor. At our first GoldBear startup PlentyPlaces, we did all the preparations from market analysis, persona analysis, idea development, pitchdeck creation, prosca analysis, development, investor interviews, etc.

Do you operate beyond the borders of Montenegro?

We also work within the borders of Montenegro and abroad. We have partners and clients from neighboring countries such as Serbia, Croatia and we also have foreign partners and clients from the Netherlands and America.

Is maintenance implied?

Maintenance is a segment that comes after development is complete. Each system receives a warranty period of one year where we operate, optionally from maintenance, in the direction of eliminating irregularities. The system stabilization process usually takes about two months after which a maintenance period is activated. Maintenance is an after-sales service, ie an offer, and all monitoring tools are included, as well as a certain number of hours of additional development.

How does the project development flow go?

Project development is done according to the Agile or Waterfall principle, depending on the nature of the project and sometimes the client's requirements. If SOW can be defined before the start, the Waterfall method is used, while on projects where there is no end or on-going projects, only the Agile methodology is used.